
I am a former US Army Infantry soldier who served in Iraq with a honourable discharge. I originally signed up as a Bradley driver and was promoted quickly throughout the ranks and placed in a more suitable position to match my expert marksman skills. I have extensive training with military weapons, field medic, close quarter combat, close quarter battle, hand to hand, martial arts, and many more that have to do with military training. I also am knowledgeable in vehicle mechanics, electrical work, carpentry, computers, message therapy, acupuncture, lock picking, vehicle hot-wire, crop harvesting, animal breeding, dog training, cooking, sewing, body and mind training, camouflage, trap making, hunting and fishing, weapon modification and surviving in the wilderness. I probably left out a few but this will give you an idea of how I've used my spare time. I am also a single parent raising three wonderful teens, ages 14-15-19 and they are the best kids in the world. All my children are trained in martial arts with the oldest having 14+ years of experience, weapons cleaning and safety handling, shooting and environmental awareness. My children have well rounded skills and are always learning as I spend time to teach them at their own pace. We have civilian version of military weapons and are always adding to our inventory when possible. We live in Winston Salem, NC and would like to meet others that have similar interest as us to share ideas and skills.

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