Jan 022024

I’m very new to prepping, I grew up taking care of chickens, but I’m hoping to find a community, I’m a good learner, have begun to get better at sewing, and am starting a garden this year,

 Posted by at 8:29 am

  4 Responses to “prepper community in the Portland Mi, area”

  1. Chickens are great. even a few will give eggs on a regular basis. Look around in your immediate area for others of like mind. Any community gardens, groups who make purchases from long term storage food distributors and some of the classes such as bee keeping or gardening given by county extension agents…..You don’t have to actually keep bees but other interesting people will be at various classes.

  2. We have an established group and retreat site in northern (lower peninsula) Mi. HMU if you need any help with anything.

    [email protected]