Sep 222022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Small group in the Chimney Rock area have room for one to three more in our group.Certain criteria must be met of course and so you know,we are all Christians here.There are two spaces for campers and room for one person inside a large home.If interested or have questions email at [email protected]

  One Response to “Western NC”

  1. Hello.
    Single Christian male, start my day everyday in prayer,.
    Without writing a bio, they call me the handyman guru. I could probably fix a rocket engine even though I never did yet. Lol.
    Construction, design and some engineering, and also was a horseman for 20 years.
    Retired early to get out in the country and start prepping. Currently in Central Florida and looking to relocate, obviously for the right connection, God willing.
    Way too many experiences and talents to list here but very well first and complete off grid living, how to resource materials and have the ability to complete any build necessary.
    Peace and God bless…
    Peter R.