Dec 192022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Looking to meet up with other like minded individuals in the Chilliwack area. Prepping or Homesteading topics. Building contacts, maybe some bulk buys. Brainstorming, skill sharing that sort of thing.

Aug 162022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Drones cannot trace anyone …

where there are NO cell towers!

Are you interested in being a part of

the formation of a safe-haven in

British Columbia or Alberta with

this critical information in mind?

If so, please drop me a line at

[email protected]

 Posted by at 7:10 am
May 252022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hi All

Looking to communicate with like minded people and figure out a bug out plan.

Thinking about a group of individuals workinig together to formulate strategies for food & water storage , firearms and ammunition or other hunting essentials + all other apsects required when TSHTF situation.

Trying to gather everything is super expensive and a huge problem with space ,possibly easier if different people take care of different items and have a communial goal to share and work together.

Hit me up to chat.


 Posted by at 6:48 pm