Dec 292023

Hello, I have an off grid property in Le Flore County and I am looking to either start or join a prepping community in the area.  I am a USMC veteran and I am older.  I am looking to learn from others.  I am updating the property by constructing a shop and increasing the size of my cabin.  I have a goal of self sufficiency and do have food storage and medical supplies.  Please let me know if you are interested.  Thank you

  One Response to “Looking to Start or Join a Prepping Community in Le Flore County, Oklahoma”

  1. I’m not in LeFlore, but in northern Okmulgee. Retired but still chugging along. Always looking to network with other eastern/NE OK preppers, strength in numbers. PM, or GMRS WROT426/Ham KJ5DUY.

    Good luck, keep in touch.