Nov 082023

Really Simple,

Connect with fellow minded prepper’s, who would like to exchange ideas, skills, learn, discuss, and who are sane. We can meet in a public place, coffee shop, etc. As a hard and fast rule, for me, those who hate America, want to just shoot stuff, take and not give, liar, cheat or steal, DO NOT EVEN RESPOND. Stay clear. Learning about prepping, which is mainstream today, is NOT about starting a Militia, if you want that, join the Army. Why prep? Well besides our government suggesting it, as it will protect our nation in the long run, it is just really smart to do it. Every single person is a prepper. Don’t believe it? Then cancel all your life insurance policies, savings accounts, and just keep one day’s worth of food in your cupboards.

  10 Responses to “McHenry County: Want to get a community of Prepper’s started.”

  1. You sound like a no nonsense and dedicated prepper. We are located in Colorado, willing to relocate to a better location if we can find one and a group that is dedicated to doing the work required to survive. We are well prepared and have a long list of skills. If you are still looking for people to join your group please message me with more information.

    • onguard01,

      The political-socialist situation here in Illinois is not where you want to move, in fact it is so bad here, we are moving to a Red State within the next 2 months.

      • It is the same here in the communist state of Colorado. Even the very few preppers here are more liberal than we care for. That is why we are looking for a place to move to.

        • Look at Iowa? They are much more of a Red State than a swing today, they actually codified the 2nd Amendment principles into their State’s Constitution, thus, the burden is much harder to take patriot firearms away. If even more conservatives move into the Iowa – the Redder it will become. We are moving to Iowa.

          • That is a good choice. We are looking at several places to include there. Our biggest item on the good choice list for us is weather. Politics is another. As we gather our information on each location we are going through the pros and cons of the move. so far we have only rules out states on the east side of the country.

  2. Weather is in the top 10, but around 8 or 9, freedom and Constitutional strength of a State is far better, snow means water to me. Everyone wants to go South , that’s a huge mistake in my opinion, much more food, fuel and water in the Northern expansions. I am not one to “bug out” – if I bug out that means SHTF really hard in my area. I am now retired and just want to live out what years I have in a political peace of mind, I am a Christian, ex-military special operator, I have upper SKA’s, (Skills, Knowledge and Abilities) I love my Country, I think America is falling and needs to be corrected very soon or everyone will be screwed.

  3. I agree with you assessment. However, weather is an important factor to me. I spent far to much time deployed to cold weather locations. Not that excited to do it again if it is possible to avoid.

  4. You still looking for prepper’s in McHenry County or did you move?