Feb 102023


I am a 46 year old retired Army vet.  I was a military working dog handler and a military police officer.  I have been stockpiling for some time and am ready to start meeting other preppers to learn from and share knowledge.  I am single and an empty nester.  My kids are grown and moved out.


Anti-terrorism measures

Force protection

Physical Security

Food preservation/ rationing

Basic first aid



Novice Forager


Map reading/ Navigation/ Compass


  10 Responses to “Survivalist looking for like minded preppers”

  1. What part of the country?

  2. I am in Oklahoma.

  3. You may want to check out


    they have groups all over.

  4. I am in Texas, I am retired Army, 11B.

  5. Where at in Oklahoma?

  6. Here, south of Tulsa.

  7. Hi, I’m in NW OK…looking to associate with like minded in my area…more details in my profile. I really would like to set up aquaponics but feel like it’s more of an undertaking than I’m able to without any knowledge. I’ve purchased 2 10×10 grow tents and everything needed including heirloom seeds, to grow VEGGIES (NOT MJ) year-round. I will be setting them up in my 30×50 shop.