Mar 012024

Hello everyone!

Life has a way of throwing you some curve balls.  In 2019 I had several tossed at me.  Divorce, job change and relocation from Wyoming to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Things have worked out and I have a wonderful wife and a new location I call home.  My wife and I left our network in Wyoming and now we are looking to build a new one.  My wife and I are both veterans and she served in combat in Afghanistan.  Looking forward to making new friends.  Just say hello.

Oct 252023

Looking to meet like minded people in central Wyoming.  Have small family, known as a jack of all with many skills.  Not a big socialite, but realizing to survive more than a year we need to look for a group of similar thinking families.

May 172023

If you are looking for a place to live with like-minded people . . .

If you have a can-do attitude combined with skills in plumbing, electrical, machinery, roofing, construction – or even administration . . .

If you love mountains, national forests, pure water and animals . . .

If you still believe God & Jesus are important in today’s society . . .

If you are ready to trade your skills for a place to stay (RV’s work well here!) . . .

We would love to hear from you!  Just email us at [email protected] and let’s chat!

Apr 022023

I want to join a prepper group in North Florida/ South Georga area, preferably in or near Columbia or Suwannee county. I live near the intersection of I-10 and I-75 and have enough land to camp on for members traveling to group meetings. I am prior military, a jack of all trades including farming, animal husbandry, herbs & oils, homesteading (old fasioned “women’s work”), carpentry, masonry, weilding, and some mechanics. I want to expand into aquaculture, hydroelectric & perpetual power generation, and become confident in construction of retaining walls and wells.

Feb 252023

48yo Husband and Pawpaw, Looking to connect to like minded individuals with complimentary skill sets for long term planning. Currently working on my COMMS plan and looking to make radio connections, to establish an Eastern Network of operators working on digital modes. I can show you how if you are willing/interested to learn. I am starting to renovate a second homestead during the next couple of months and am looking to raise small livestock. I have an Associates in IT, I am a manager of industrial utilities maintenance, and I have a background in all things mechanical. I have 5 3d printers at my disposal, as well as a full mechanic’s shop onsite. I am working on a Lora WAN setup at both homesites and looking to integrate it to a cloud server. I will have two gardens this year and my extended family is into rabbits and other small farm animals.

Feb 102023


I am a 46 year old retired Army vet.  I was a military working dog handler and a military police officer.  I have been stockpiling for some time and am ready to start meeting other preppers to learn from and share knowledge.  I am single and an empty nester.  My kids are grown and moved out.


Anti-terrorism measures

Force protection

Physical Security

Food preservation/ rationing

Basic first aid



Novice Forager


Map reading/ Navigation/ Compass


Oct 072022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.


My family of four moved to Pensacola and we are seeking to join an assistance group.  We are Christian and have some rural experience living on our 3 acre homestead before we left CA this summer.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested.  HAM license, gardener, some electronics knowledge, retired military.  We should all get back from bases and coastline for a while.