Dec 302023

Alabama Militia has been stable for several years, and is expanding our group. Most of us are in North and Central Alabama, but we have abilities to assist and grow other areas of the state. We are not just a Militia, we have Preppers, Homesteaders (PrepSteaders), and are starting a CERT Team in our group to be able to assist in emergencies and disasters. We focus on training for all of these areas of instruction. We are a family and community oriented group, and if you dont feel that you would fit in the Militia, then join as a PrepSteader or CERT. All of our information is posted on our website and feel free to contact us via our website if you have questions or are interested in learning about us. Our PrepSteader group is outstanding and has a lot of knowledge and skills to pass on.

Jan 132023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

I am looking to either join with some folks to start a group, or join an existing one. Im less than an hour from birmingham. Wanna find some other peopke that want to pool our knowledge, skills, etc and help each other out to ensure survival. I have a lot of skills I bring to the table.

Nov 192022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hello my name is Ted and I am new to Alabama. I live in rural Cullman county. Can someone please reach outto me? My phone number is 312.446.8566 thank you

Oct 072022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.


My family of four moved to Pensacola and we are seeking to join an assistance group.  We are Christian and have some rural experience living on our 3 acre homestead before we left CA this summer.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested.  HAM license, gardener, some electronics knowledge, retired military.  We should all get back from bases and coastline for a while.

Jan 212022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Family oriented God fearing! Looking for a small like minded group/family to prepare with. We have our supplies but are looking for others that we can trust, help and learn from! Not just gardening,canning and homesteading (although those are key) but getting together camping, fishing and so on. If this sounds like what you are looking for too please comment and we can go from there!