Jul 192024

Vast experience. Including, but not limited to:

Solar, construction expert, farming and use of all implements, food prep and storage including freeze dry, design and engineering, research and resourcing to the topic, psychology and ministry in times of need…

And they called me the handyman guru. Seriously..

Retired early and prepping for over 4 years now. I’m the guy that makes things happen. Not opinionated and not arrogant. Just a tremendous asset in many facets. Looking for home… Spiritual discerning, peaceful, drama free and loyal. Looking for someone who has my back and I theirs.

Much more. Feel free to inquire…

May 172023

If you are looking for a place to live with like-minded people . . .

If you have a can-do attitude combined with skills in plumbing, electrical, machinery, roofing, construction – or even administration . . .

If you love mountains, national forests, pure water and animals . . .

If you still believe God & Jesus are important in today’s society . . .

If you are ready to trade your skills for a place to stay (RV’s work well here!) . . .

We would love to hear from you!  Just email us at [email protected] and let’s chat!

Apr 022023

I want to join a prepper group in North Florida/ South Georga area, preferably in or near Columbia or Suwannee county. I live near the intersection of I-10 and I-75 and have enough land to camp on for members traveling to group meetings. I am prior military, a jack of all trades including farming, animal husbandry, herbs & oils, homesteading (old fasioned “women’s work”), carpentry, masonry, weilding, and some mechanics. I want to expand into aquaculture, hydroelectric & perpetual power generation, and become confident in construction of retaining walls and wells.

Oct 132022

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Our chapter of Church Militant Resistance (a national organization) is looking for a local speaker to present a basic 101 talk on prepping for novices.  The speaker would have about an hour…(I know, not nearly enough time for a meaningful discussion on any given topic) and have access to audio-visual equip for use.  The idea, is to just introduce the topic of prepping to this audience, we their appetite.  The date would be December 10th from 1030am-noon and be held at the West Tampa Public Library’s, Garcia conference room.  That it is being held in a public building means we have to allow non-chapter members to attend…if any show-up, but that is ok with us.

Let me know if anyone out  is interested in this endeavor and what your presentation would consist of.

Thank you in advance for any & all feedback.

Ed in Tampa


Oct 072022

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My family of four moved to Pensacola and we are seeking to join an assistance group.  We are Christian and have some rural experience living on our 3 acre homestead before we left CA this summer.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested.  HAM license, gardener, some electronics knowledge, retired military.  We should all get back from bases and coastline for a while.

Sep 022022

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The Florida Civil Preparedness Cooperative will be holding their first meet and greet in a little over a week from today(9/2/22) If you are interested in coming to hear what our group is about please contact [email protected] for details.

Aug 302022

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64 yrs old female , looking for like minded or prep group to join Collier County Florida. New to this. Concerned how ugly it could get and know won’t be able to weather it in condo.
[email protected]

Jul 252022

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Hey everyone,

I am coordinating an in person meet up on Sunday July 31st at Alderman Ford Park in Plant City, FL. It will be in the afternoon and I will finalize the exact times in a few days. If your interested in participating please reach out to me and I will keep you updated.

You can reach me via the DM on this site or email me directly.

[email protected]

Jul 252022

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Florida Civil Defense Co-op is looking for like minded folks in search of a group/community. We are located in and operate out of the Treasure Coast area of Florida. Our goal is to create a network of prepared individuals within our communities. We will be holding our first meet and greet in mid September. If you have any interest please contact [email protected]

Jun 152022

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Hey there I am new to Florida. Looking to meet up with other like-minded people to go through it together when shtf.

My hubby and myself are almost 50. We have a 9yo daughter.

I had already prepped a lot of stuff once but had to leave most of it behind in the move.

I dreamt about 2 weeks to start a garden so I am starting a garden (lol) and trying to connect with other preppers while there is still time.

I believe that the only way I will get through this is with others and my faith in God. I am not equipped mentally, physically, or spiritually to handle what is to come but I know a man who can.

We are not judgmental and would like to work with others regardless of their faith or lack of faith. I tend to prefer to be around other non-judgmental people and easy going people.

We are a peaceful family and wish to join others who are like-minded in that regard.

Love you all and sending hugs to everyone who is anxious for the life storms that are about to come our way soon. xx


Jun 142022

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Good eavnining,

New to the site, and looking for a group in my area, (Highlands county Florida) mid 30’s, male with family. We can currently hold our own, but a group is the true goal. We posses key skills and training. Group meetups and training also desired. PM me with any questions. Thanks! (This is also my first post, so hope its posted correctly)

Jun 062022

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Hi there,

We’re new to this forum and looking to move very soon from the Tampa, fl area to South West Florida. (July 2022)  We’re a preparedness focused youngish recently married couple looking to connect with other preparedness minded people in that area of Florida. I’m fit, friendly and in my 40’s and my wife’s a little younger. I’ve been interested in preparedness since 2001 but serious about it since about 2012. My wife has been getting more and more on board as the reality of our country’s situation becomes more apparent.


– Mechanically inclined

– Creative problem solving

-Food production and self reliance

-Security focused

We’ve met some good people in the Tampa area but are now looking to move to Southwest Florida and want to reach out first. Food self reliance and production along with security are top priority and we’re learning and expanding our knowledge and skillsets. We read and study often. We’re creative problem-solvers and looking to meet good  people in the real word rather than the internet with the eventual goal of being part of a tight knit, focused group of people. I believe fitness is your biggest prep and think doing your best in that department is important.

I agree with a lot of the pepper philosophies of Viking Preparedness, Bear Independent ect and understand the value and necessity of strong community and a tight group who can rely on each other in serious times. There is strength in that.


Overall, just looking to meet new cool people.


Please private message if you’re in that general vicinity and we can then exchange more contact information. Thanks for reading

Apr 272022

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Hey everyone,

I see that several people that have posted on this site are from the Tampa Bay Area and the surrounding counties.

If you all are still looking to connect with like minded folks then either private message me using this sites messaging function or reply to this post with your preferred method such as an email address.

Either way I will reply back and coordinate more communication between the folks and hopefully meet up to do an activity.

Apr 202022

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Looking for like minded families in the Land O Lakes area of Florida to..cultivate food, coordinate strategy, share ideas and  protect our families from what’s coming.
We are beginning to prep, have experience in.. farming, aquaponics, permaculture, soil cultivation. we also live on the water so fishing and water supply is available.

If you are interested in talking please contact me at

[email protected]


Apr 152022

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We are a pre-existing MAG group looking for two more members and their families to join. Located in the central Florida area. If you are interested please be prepared to answer a few questions and be prepared to show your skills.

Contact: [email protected]

Mar 282022

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My husband and I are in Brevard County FL (central coastal florida) and need help with knowledge resources…we have never been involved with preparing for any disaster except a small bit for a potential hurricane. I have recently been ready about EMPs and am growing concerned. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you

 Posted by at 3:06 pm
Feb 102022

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Hi, I’m looking for someone who would like to build a community or someone who see’s what is coming and would like someone to work with. I’m a AF-AM if that should matter not to me but to some it does, my wife and I is 58 years old and have been preparing for about a 2 years, we just understand that it will take a village to make it thru what is coming. If you would like to work together and see what we can do please reply. We are located in North Florida southwest of Jacksonville.

 Posted by at 9:51 am
Feb 082022

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Citrus County area looking for like minded folks to discuss local preparation strategies and group related ideas. Please reply or message if interested.

 Posted by at 11:42 am