Oct 252023

Looking to meet like minded people in central Wyoming.  Have small family, known as a jack of all with many skills.  Not a big socialite, but realizing to survive more than a year we need to look for a group of similar thinking families.

May 172023

If you are looking for a place to live with like-minded people . . .

If you have a can-do attitude combined with skills in plumbing, electrical, machinery, roofing, construction – or even administration . . .

If you love mountains, national forests, pure water and animals . . .

If you still believe God & Jesus are important in today’s society . . .

If you are ready to trade your skills for a place to stay (RV’s work well here!) . . .

We would love to hear from you!  Just email us at [email protected] and let’s chat!

Dec 312022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hey everyone. I’m a 29 year old Prepper located in Central New York. I’m looking for other Preppers in my area or surrounding areas who would be interested in networking, Sharing Ideas, Information, Learning new skills and etc.

I don’t own any land, but I’m honing my skills everyday. I’ve been a full-time prepper for the past 5 years or so, My specialty is Cooking and Gardening, I also have experience in Logistics and Inventory Management.

I can be reached at [email protected]