Oct 252023

Looking to meet like minded people in central Wyoming.  Have small family, known as a jack of all with many skills.  Not a big socialite, but realizing to survive more than a year we need to look for a group of similar thinking families.

Apr 022023

I want to join a prepper group in North Florida/ South Georga area, preferably in or near Columbia or Suwannee county. I live near the intersection of I-10 and I-75 and have enough land to camp on for members traveling to group meetings. I am prior military, a jack of all trades including farming, animal husbandry, herbs & oils, homesteading (old fasioned “women’s work”), carpentry, masonry, weilding, and some mechanics. I want to expand into aquaculture, hydroelectric & perpetual power generation, and become confident in construction of retaining walls and wells.

Jan 262023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

We are a family with some land looking for like-minded Christian people in our area to meet and possibly cooperate with in starting a group. We are a large family with a range of skills but masters of none.  If interested in contacting us use [email protected]

 Posted by at 5:38 pm