Jul 232024


We have a homestead in NE Texas and a great MAG that meets at least monthly. Our next meeting will be August 17 for rifle maintenance and practice. Then September 28 for canning and dehydrating, freeze drying and dry storage.
Feel free to check us out at bugouttexas dot com or email txexit at protonmail dot com.


Sep 082023

I am seeking contact with owners of active radio repeaters in the North Texas, primarily located in Kaufman, VanZandt and Hunt Counties. I and few others are using GMRS capable radios and would like to improve our communication ability using local repeaters. If you have a repeater or know of someone who has an active repeater in these counties, please share there contact information.  You can email me: [email protected]



May 092023

I’d like to throw this question out into the ether, Where’s the community in San Marcos Tx? I ask because I’d honestly like to be a part of something that is not aligned with the way things are currently. As I see it, a young dumb 24 year old, this country is at its weakest in terms of faith, community, finances, personal rights, trust, ect. Other counties are gearing up for America’s debt default. Meanwhile society is ever dependent on technology that is not sustainable, independent of control or manipulation. I want to get away from it all. If you don’t see the current administration as eroding our rights, I will not stand for you. However If you’re like me and you see the strengthening of cartels and crime lords across the world, and even countries flip flopping on gun laws that were once anti gun, so that their people can protect themselves where the government has failed, you may see a need for change. I love America but I do think many people that fought for freedom are rolling in their graves today. I know freedom isn’t free, it never was. I know that if I don’t ask for help I’ll be on my own like many of us. I’d like to be a part of a group and contribute the skills I have as a man, along with my resources. If interested in another number and live in the area(outskirts San Marcos/Wimberley), I currently reside here, and would love to be a part of something bigger. I’m new to the site and plan to make waves once I get my footing. Thanks for the read, I’m going to continue on to some other groups now.

 Posted by at 8:59 pm
Apr 102023

Christian and Consevative Preppers seeking others like minded in the East Texas, Kaufman, Van Zandt Counties. Wish to collaborate, share knowledge and skills. Enjoy learning bushcraft skills. I have a strong knowledge of wild plant identification. Have experience in hunting, fishing, and some trapping. Have done some flint knapping, but would like to learn more. I can use a Map and Compass.  We do Gardening and canning of food.

[email protected]

Apr 012023

The April meeting will be held on April 22, 2023, at 11 am. This meeting will be held at a private residence. There will be an overview of HAM radios and procedures as well as programming your radio.

If you are interested in attending, please email me at [email protected] for additional information and the location.

Thanks and see you there.

Mar 042023

I’m new here.
I’m from Montana.
The way things are going we need to get this done fast.
looking for like minded preppers in ,near, around Lubbock.
Presently working on Faraday cages.for litterally everything.

Mar 012023

Single dad, flight paramedic. Hoping to find family oriented group. I have advanced critical care knowledge/skills/supplies.  No prior military, however I have trained with groups in the past and do carry great knowledge from those experiences.

Jan 262023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

We are a family with some land looking for like-minded Christian people in our area to meet and possibly cooperate with in starting a group. We are a large family with a range of skills but masters of none.  If interested in contacting us use [email protected]

 Posted by at 5:38 pm
Jan 182023

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Hi all,

Im a 35 yo girl from California and have wanted to leave California for a long time. Didn’t really know there was a resource like this for preppers. I’m not the most tech savvy, but I have off grid living experience, landscaping and gardening skills to offer. Always willing to work and learn new skills. Wanted to be a prepper since I was about 18, but life kinda of took a different turn. Really seems like the clock is ticking now, so let me know if anyone has any interest in someone like minded who values freedom as much as survival joining their group. Thanks.

[email protected]

Jan 162023

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Looking to connect to other preppers in Brazoria or Matagorda County. Hoping to find HAM radio operators, mechanics, medical personnel and farmers to learn from and share ideas for what may come. Always good to know who and where to go in an emergency. Email me at [email protected]

Nov 152022

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Seeking group in central Texas area, kinda new to the area but bring some skills to the table.

Sep 072022

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Good Morning!

I’m just looking to meet like minded folks. We live on a small 3 acre area outside city limits thank goodness so unfortunately i can’t invite people to start a close community/village, even though that would be flippin’ amazing. (with lots of pickiness) Ok, so like minded people, I believe that the tribulation is just around the corner and the world is getting set up for the antichrist. We are a bible believing family but ain’t scared to protect with any means necessary. We’ve had numerous people move to our town from out of state and we’ve made some really great new friends and met some not so great.

Feel free to shoot me an email if you want a faster response! [email protected]

Aug 072022

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I am a single Mom to 2 grown boys. I have 34 years commercial and military Airframe Inspection experience and I’m a Notary Public of Texas. I own a few weapons that I’m very familiar with. I know how to catch my food. I can gather, build, guard, and hunt. I need a group of teammates, doers not talkers. I don’t bring a lot to the table but what I do bring until my last breath is undying loyalty, dedication and accountability.

May 202022

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We have a newly formed mutual assistance group in Denton County of North Texas. We are seeking additional applicants for new members looking to join a fellowship / inner core of preppers and like-minded survivalists. We ask that any applicants have a Christian World View and plan to bug out of the DFW area when the time comes. If you reside in Denton County and are looking to join a MAG (Mutual Assistance Group), please reach out to [email protected]. We would like to meet you and get to know you and your family to see if you would be a good fit. Some of the following towns in Denton County.

May 142022

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Looking for a group of preppers in Dallas or east Texas.  I am a former special forces US Marine looking for a group of people that are like minded.  I have been prepping since 2000.  I can train people how to fight and survive, any where, any time.  I have everything….. land, beans, bullets, band aids, ect.  I have 4 degrees….. I own a business in Dallas but work has isolated me to the point I only have my Marine buddies that are spread out all over the country.  I would like to join up with a local group.  I am bought 40,000 rounds of ammo under Obama…. just so you understand.  Im selling my bunker in Utah and have bug out property in Belize and Texas already.   I want to join a group.  If you want some free training on how to shoot you can text me as well Im always at the range.  Lets see who reaches out lol Im the real deal…..

May 102022

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hi my name is betty looking for a survival community in fort worth tx like minded people single mom of 4 kids

Apr 262022

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In Colony / Lewisville area.  Not quite ready to go the homestead life yet, but interested in making plans and putting capital to use.

 Posted by at 9:12 pm
Mar 072022

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New to the area and trying to find other like minded people. Community gardens,  buying bulk dried goods, community, etc.

Feb 082022

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I am presently living in Phoenix AZ. And from what I have heard about desert situations is, you will never make it in a desert when the crap hits the fan, which could be any day soon now. But my choice to live my ideal place, would be Dallas Fort Worth area ASAP, and I am interested in moving with a partner or group to a location that would benefit the group in the very near future. And also any person who already has a community in the DFW area, town or land that is also seeking this kind of arrangement. And I don’t mean near the metro area. But a good safe distance from those metropolitan areas. I am looking for like minded individuals who have a solid moral compass. And have skills, knowledge, degrees and other abilities that could be used if living in a small town outside the populated areas. I have an Electrical Engineering Degree. And capable of designing, building and maintaining power generation as well as security. I am well versed in many disciplines and skills. And I feel with the right group of people, we could make a life living in a like minded community of people. Please share your thoughts or any questions, you can Email me at [email protected].


Jan 202022

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Hi! I’m not a prepper yet, but I definitely have plans to do so in the future. Unfortunately, I’m still in the city with a full time job. I plan to purchase land somehow, and move out of the city. In the meantime, I’d like to network and connect with like-minded individuals. Please feel free to message me on Telegram at https://t.me/soneeah

Jan 192022

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My husband (Dan) and I are researching local prep groups.. We’re Christians, love our country and live in north Texas (Collin County) area.. Please shout out if you know any groups in area ..

Jan 182022

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Preparing for what may be coming soon and would like to meet others in my area who are doing the same.

I’ve been an Automotive and Diesel Mechanic for years so I know my way around vehicles of different varieties.

Let me know if you’d be interested in talking and discussing more on this subject.