Jan 182023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hi all,

Im a 35 yo girl from California and have wanted to leave California for a long time. Didn’t really know there was a resource like this for preppers. I’m not the most tech savvy, but I have off grid living experience, landscaping and gardening skills to offer. Always willing to work and learn new skills. Wanted to be a prepper since I was about 18, but life kinda of took a different turn. Really seems like the clock is ticking now, so let me know if anyone has any interest in someone like minded who values freedom as much as survival joining their group. Thanks.

[email protected]

Sep 122022

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  1. Hello thank you for taking time out of your day to read and consider me to your group first off a little about me im a veteran I’m 23 years old 6’6 inches tall and motivated to be apart of a group I am not the most prepared but I am building my stores and such as we speak I refuse to be a burden as I offer my youth to help with projects and other tasks I am a team player and loyal to a fault being a man raised with southern hospitality I also give till it hurts as My folks would say thank you for taking the time to read my post and considering to bring me along with you for the road ahead  my email is [email protected] and once we talk there for a bit ill even be willing to give my number thank you again for your time and consideration
Aug 112022

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Hi I’m 23 years old and I am seeking to better myself in my preparedness training, to become more prepared for the incoming darkness that is plaguing our nation. I’m young and I understand that it may turn some people away. I wish to find ANYONE who can help train myself and hopefully together. I’m situated in South West Idaho. I’m only asking for a group of guys or girls I can train with nothing more. I have no military experience or LEO background. I’ve looked all over and I’m having trouble meeting new people. My plan for this post is to learn how to become self sufficient in all aspects from blizzards to government overreach. I’m not really strict on these plans as how I have a life, I have work and a family but I hope to learn these things on weekends or take time off to go on training trips. I don’t live in a good arrangement to really prep for farming or for storage of food. I have EXTENSIVE welding experience all the way from Structural to Fabrication as this is my career field. I wish to hopefully barter my experience and knowledge for another’s . If you wish to talk more about this arrangement contact me at:

[email protected]

 Posted by at 9:58 pm
May 022022

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We would like to hear from others in Idaho that would like to form a off grid self sustaining group. Our intent is to have 4 to 6 families that are serious about living off grid. I wish I could say we have ample time left to prepare, but unfortunately this is obviously not the case. If your totally ready to make a commitment to this type endeavor then contact me at [email protected] . I’ll provide further details to you with my reply.

Apr 212022

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Hello, we are a family of 2 living off grid. We are looking for like minded families or individuals who are interested in off grid community living as a means to be self sustainable. Any interested parties in or near the Idaho area are encouraged to reply

Apr 192022

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We (family of 3) have been in North Idaho for almost a year and are looking to seriously connect with like-minded Christian-conservative preppers that are local to us in the St.M -Medimont area. We have homesteading skills, gardening, raising small livestock, fencing, light carpentry, food preservation, some basic medical knowledge and are firm 2A proponents. Wife is a former nurse and  husband is a master electrician, specializing in off-grid-solar, generators, etc. Also, looking for bartering partners and to purchase a few acres of rural land or possibly do a group land purchase (sky-high land prices are becoming more prohibitive in Idaho) in the North Idaho area-Bonner, Boundary, Benewah or Idaho counties. Anyone in our area, please contact us and we can discuss if we may be a good fit. Thanks!m

Mar 312022

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This is a different kind of post and I hope it is okay.   We are west of Deer Park, WA, right now, in a rental house on shared acreage for the last 6-1/2 years.  Just Monday, out of the blue, our landlord says she needs this house for a family member and we have to be out by May 31.  Rental market is pretty slim overall right now, and when you throw in goats, poultry, dogs and cats into the mix, it is really slim pickings..  Right now, our thought is to just find some land to rent and put a shed and outfitter’s tent on it.  Ideally we would like to be very rural in Stevens, Pend Oreille or Ferry County in WA or Bonner or Boundary County in ID.  Husband is an RN and can get work just about anywhere, if it’s not commuting distance to his current job.  We have t-posts and fencing we would put up to corral the animals (we don’t even let our dogs roam free).  Water and electric would be nice, but off-grid is okay too as we have spent the last several years preparing as much as we can for off-grid living.  Please email at [email protected]


Mar 252022

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Hello I’m New to this site If there any communities or persons looking for like new members please respond

Jan 062022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Good Evening All,

We are a group of likeminded individuals that were formally in a group that was co-located but as life happens it has spread us across the country. We have people in Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, and Arkansas. Instead of letting the group fall we are using the distance as a strength, as well as an opportunity to grow. We are looking to expand our Nationwide network as well as meet people that may be local to other members. We are an extremely active group talking and supporting each other daily.

We have a wide range of experience and professions in the group everything from beginners to people building bug out locations. Every experience level is welcome and appreciated. Feel free to reach out at [email protected]
