Jul 222024

Hello! We are new to the Gilbert area. We are looking for like minded people who are aware of the countries current discourses and potential dangers especially given recent politics. Feel free to reach out to me, [email protected] if anyone is in the area. Thanks!

Nov 112023

We are a married couple of 46 years in our late 60’s. We started prepping in 1984. Well provisioned, husband is retired Army, wife served 2 years. We have experience raising pigs, chickens and dogs. Some gardening abilities with room for improvement. Some basic medical skills. Husband has basic construction skills and RV repair skills in addition to other skills. Wife does the animal raising.

Our current group is in a state of denial for the current events in the world and America, so we are looking to join a DEDICATED group who’s membership is aware of what is happening and realize we only have a few months at best. We currently live in western Colorado, but are very willing to relocate to a better location.

Jan 182023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hi all,

Im a 35 yo girl from California and have wanted to leave California for a long time. Didn’t really know there was a resource like this for preppers. I’m not the most tech savvy, but I have off grid living experience, landscaping and gardening skills to offer. Always willing to work and learn new skills. Wanted to be a prepper since I was about 18, but life kinda of took a different turn. Really seems like the clock is ticking now, so let me know if anyone has any interest in someone like minded who values freedom as much as survival joining their group. Thanks.

[email protected]

Sep 122022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

  1. Hello thank you for taking time out of your day to read and consider me to your group first off a little about me im a veteran I’m 23 years old 6’6 inches tall and motivated to be apart of a group I am not the most prepared but I am building my stores and such as we speak I refuse to be a burden as I offer my youth to help with projects and other tasks I am a team player and loyal to a fault being a man raised with southern hospitality I also give till it hurts as My folks would say thank you for taking the time to read my post and considering to bring me along with you for the road ahead  my email is [email protected] and once we talk there for a bit ill even be willing to give my number thank you again for your time and consideration
Mar 182022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Looking to connect with other preppers in the Tucson area. Also open to connecting with those near Phoenix/Maricopa. I am a woman in my mid-30’s. I’m learning vital skills (food prep, self-defense, medicine, etc.). I am not worried about if you are an anti-vaxxer or like Trump. I do value discretion and want a group that isn’t looking to make trouble.

My email is [email protected]


Mar 072022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

guys. we should put this to use.
Nice to meet you Im mike,
ok so theres a land site remote, north of kingman at a place called dolan springs,
paying monthly for it. 100 per month.
total price 6 k,
theres nothing on it, its remote, was there the other day. for first time,
‘we should build on it a cabin, i can build it too.
this would be easier with a friend or two that wants to help its a lot of work, but its a very, remote place and would be a good place to go to.

Feb 082022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

I am presently living in Phoenix AZ. And from what I have heard about desert situations is, you will never make it in a desert when the crap hits the fan, which could be any day soon now. But my choice to live my ideal place, would be Dallas Fort Worth area ASAP, and I am interested in moving with a partner or group to a location that would benefit the group in the very near future. And also any person who already has a community in the DFW area, town or land that is also seeking this kind of arrangement. And I don’t mean near the metro area. But a good safe distance from those metropolitan areas. I am looking for like minded individuals who have a solid moral compass. And have skills, knowledge, degrees and other abilities that could be used if living in a small town outside the populated areas. I have an Electrical Engineering Degree. And capable of designing, building and maintaining power generation as well as security. I am well versed in many disciplines and skills. And I feel with the right group of people, we could make a life living in a like minded community of people. Please share your thoughts or any questions, you can Email me at [email protected].


Jan 062022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Good Evening All,

We are a group of likeminded individuals that were formally in a group that was co-located but as life happens it has spread us across the country. We have people in Arizona, Idaho, Georgia, and Arkansas. Instead of letting the group fall we are using the distance as a strength, as well as an opportunity to grow. We are looking to expand our Nationwide network as well as meet people that may be local to other members. We are an extremely active group talking and supporting each other daily.

We have a wide range of experience and professions in the group everything from beginners to people building bug out locations. Every experience level is welcome and appreciated. Feel free to reach out at [email protected]
