Feb 252023

48yo Husband and Pawpaw, Looking to connect to like minded individuals with complimentary skill sets for long term planning. Currently working on my COMMS plan and looking to make radio connections, to establish an Eastern Network of operators working on digital modes. I can show you how if you are willing/interested to learn. I am starting to renovate a second homestead during the next couple of months and am looking to raise small livestock. I have an Associates in IT, I am a manager of industrial utilities maintenance, and I have a background in all things mechanical. I have 5 3d printers at my disposal, as well as a full mechanic’s shop onsite. I am working on a Lora WAN setup at both homesites and looking to integrate it to a cloud server. I will have two gardens this year and my extended family is into rabbits and other small farm animals.

Dec 272022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

My family and I are just a little past the “beginner” phase of prepping. Covid pressed our skill set like it did for many people.

20+ years ago I got my FCC GROL License for work and never used it. Fast forward to Christmas 2022. I received a TH-9800D Transceiver. Since I got my license the names and some guidelines have changed. I’ve read through the FCC website and it’s not exactly clear.  Bottom line, what can I do with this radio AND do I need a need a new license to operate this radio as a mobile station?

It’s my understanding that due to the power output and operating range no license is required.

Can someone please validate this for me?

Oct 072022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.


My family of four moved to Pensacola and we are seeking to join an assistance group.  We are Christian and have some rural experience living on our 3 acre homestead before we left CA this summer.  Please email [email protected] if you are interested.  HAM license, gardener, some electronics knowledge, retired military.  We should all get back from bases and coastline for a while.