
New to Prepping. Not a tinfoil hat guy, just want to be ready for whatever comes our way. I believe the more options we have the better our chances are to overcome any situation that arises. I’m eager to organize a group that is more family inclusive NOT some militia.

Dec 272022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

My family and I are just a little past the “beginner” phase of prepping. Covid pressed our skill set like it did for many people.

20+ years ago I got my FCC GROL License for work and never used it. Fast forward to Christmas 2022. I received a TH-9800D Transceiver. Since I got my license the names and some guidelines have changed. I’ve read through the FCC website and it’s not exactly clear.  Bottom line, what can I do with this radio AND do I need a need a new license to operate this radio as a mobile station?

It’s my understanding that due to the power output and operating range no license is required.

Can someone please validate this for me?