
Have thought about prepping for the last year. Only started in the last six months. Live in NE Oklahoma outside of Tulsa. Don't feel I am anywhere near ready but I am trying. I am a nurse and we are a family of 3. Always looking for good information and good friends.

Dec 252022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hello. My name is Beverly. I am an RN with almost 27 years of experience. I have 2 years worth of food. I keep buying more because that is what I do. I am willing to help out but I  do not have the stamina I once had. I am smart. I am a person who has the fortitude to help when needed. I would say that I am most suited to a group who has young people who can do the heavy lifting. I am 62 years old. I am medical ready for most situations. I want to belong to a group who could use my skills and know that I am willing and able to help with anything that is asked. I live in the Broken Arrow area and would just like to know there is somewhere that would want my skills and respect that I would do what I could but it would not be like someone in thier prime.

Thank you for considering,
