Jul 152024

Howdy.  I just moved to Piqua a few months ago from Chicago. I am interested in finding some like minded people. As things get crazier and just plain stupid it reminds me of why we do what we do. Ive kinda been doing things on my own.

Sep 072022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

I live in Dayton, Ohio and would love to find other preppers in or near my area. If you’re located near me, please reply. Thanks

Jul 052022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Our first meeting was a great success with 47 people in attendance. We passed around a sheet to find out what everyone was interested in learning. Canning was at the top of the list so we found an experienced instructor for our July event. I hope to keep these going monthly.

Please check out the website: PrepperNetwork.org for detail on monthly training classes.

If you’d like to be added to the email list to be notified of upcoming training feel free to contact me at [email protected]


Jun 212022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Howdy. I just moved to Piqua a few months ago from chicago. I am interested in finding some like minded people. As things get crazier and just plan stupid it reminds me why we do what we do. Ive kinda been doing things on my own for a few years but think its time to finally start working with other people. Ive only been in the area a short time so i don’t know the area very well. I work a lot and have a dumb schedule which makes meet ups a little bit of a challenge. Peace

Jun 082022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Our most important prep is networking with like minded individuals who value freedom, independence and responsibility.

Free Prepper training/meeting scheduled here in the Mid-Ohio Valley. If you are near the Marietta, OH / Parkersburg, WV area, please stop by. Please spread the word and feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. ([email protected])

My goal is for this to become a group effort, sharing skills and knowledge with one another. If anyone would be interested in presenting at a future meeting, please let me know.

Who We Are

We are regular people from all walks of life, who know the importance of being prepared. We want to be proactive in preparing to sustain our family through disaster. We are not a militia. We are made up of hard working, responsible adults with careers, businesses and families to support.

We are not a political group but, we DO NOT avoid politics for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. We have conservative, Christian values and encourage freedom loving American’s to get involved. Especially if you are the type of person who just wants to be left alone. (I’m with you but you’re not going to be left alone with leftist’s in office.)

We know it’s wise to prepare for a bright future as well as natural or man-made disasters. Whether you are experienced or just getting started, you will find value within the group. There are no requirements except a willingness to learn and to help others at whatever level you find them on their journey of preparedness.

If you are near the Mid-Ohio Valley: Marietta, Ohio / Parkersburg, West Virginia area, we meet once a month to train, share a meal and trade information, resources, ideas, and ways to support and promote one another.

If you are not in the area, please join us online and use this site to network and share ideas: preppernetwork.org (under construction as of this writing)

Our first meeting:

When and Where:
Freedom Gate Church
104 Tennis Center Dr,
Marietta, OH 45750
Thursday, June 23rd,
6pm – 8pm
Price: FREE

You’ll Learn:
-Potential disasters you may not have thought of.
-The Rule of 3’s.
-Creating a Family Plan.
-Setting goals within your budget
-Food & Water Storage.
-72 Hour Kit Basics

May 262022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Saturday June 4, 2022
Logan County Fish & Game Bellefontaine OH
4-6 PM
Sponsored by Preparing For Difficult Times (a local group of over 100 members, established 6 years ago)

FREE. All ages will benefit.
Come to meet others at all levels of preparedness.
Finger foods, fellowship, displays, drawing at the close for prep gear.

Three 15 minute presentations following 45 minutes of food and fellowship:
“Prepping: What It Is and Isn’t. Beans, Bullets, Band-aids & More”
“Self Defense Tools & Training Prospects”
“Outdoor Life: Prepping For & with Children”

Contact info:
FB Message Walter L, Mansfield Email @ [email protected]

Jan 102022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

As title states. I’m sure I can prove to be quite the asset to a like minded team of individuals.


I’ve got some unsetteling premonitions for the next 6 months or so, just trying my best to be prepared.


Any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated.


Thank you for your time.



 Posted by at 1:08 pm