Aug 282023

Looking to get in contact with like minded people in and around the Humboldt county ca area, new to the website and just getting use to it. Hoping to find some locals who are into prepping and some of the other things im interested in and we can work together and help each others families.

  4 Responses to “Looking for locals in or around Humboldt county ca”

  1. I went to HSU, love the area. Played disc golf among the red woods. Sadly I now live in extremely flat Woodland. Drive time to Arcata is about 5hrs, 282mi.

    I just found this site so I’m starting to reach out to anyone. Hoping there’s activity here. Building networks.

    • Hey thanks for responding, very beautiful area for sure. As you know most here kinda already live a prepping life style to some degree even if they don’t realize it. Like you I found this site when trying to find more local people who are actually prepping and mean to be doing that. There’s a lot of advantages to this area, its the only real reason im still in California is because a lot of what im looking for in other areas i have here locally. Good local food production for the most part, pretty remote and with that comes security to a certain degree. Lots of hills here to go into if need be and only really 2 real ways in and out of this area, Hoping to find some locals who are into gardening and have other skills that we can all share and use to everyones benefit.

  2. all the gardens in humbolt are growing dope,, the locals dont want to be friendly with any outsiders, be careful, be safe, just sayn