Jul 252023

I bought a small farm last Aug and have cows, goats, pigs and chickens, pantry full of food, prep gear of all sorts, as well as great facilities on my place. what I don’t have is a network of like minded people. At 59, I’m in good shape and have very stong spirit, character and determination, but am shy on prepper/survivalist knowledge and experience. At 5’1” and 115 lbs, SOME of the heavy lifting is difficult for me as well.

I love God, my family and this country. I’m hoping to connect with like minded folks in NW OK with whom I might network.

I really would like to set up aquaponics but feel like it’s more of an undertaking than I’m able to without any knowledge. I’ve purchased 2 10×10 grow tents and everything needed including heirloom seeds, to grow VEGGIES (NOT MJ) year-round. I will be setting them up in my 30×50 shop.

Thanks, V

  7 Responses to “Looking for network in NW OK”

  1. I am in NE Oklahoma.

    • Same here, Tulsa area. Got a group of guys that train together on a frequent basis, trying to get ready for whatever is coming down the pipeline. Looking for more good folks to join. Shoot me a message

  2. Oklahoma Prepper,

    I would like to talk to you. I have been heading much in the same direction that you describe. I have been too long in the planning, I need to move on my plan, and would just like to chat; to hear what you’re up to and share what I’m planning. I’m active retired and have plans to buy a parcel and repeat the same type of farm that I started up years back, but had to leave. In addition to a mutually expressed love of the Lord, and the type of an operation you’re describing above. I’m not sure how to receive a private message from you, but if you can, send me an internal message.

    With blessings, Eric

  3. Here in northern most Okmulgee County. KJ5DUY on the N5DRW repeater.