Nov 242022

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.


I live and work in Orange County, CA and am looking for a friendly prepper group to learn and grow with. I would pefer to be as private about my information as possible on here, but these are my main prepper interests/hobbies:

•Healthy and/or allergen friendly bulk food storage/prep — baking and cooking as well.

•Water storage and distillation.

•Holistic Health(medicinal herbs, roots, etc).

•Gardening, sprouting, and hopefully soon growing microgreens.

Personality: Very quiet and conservative, but I like to learn and build. I also do not want to be around any sort of roudy alcohol, drug, or party-centric social environment.


  4 Responses to “SoCal – Orange County”

  1. a lot of us preppers up here in the livermore ca. area, we have local meet ups to exchange ideas, news , skills ,,if your ever in the area contact me and we will talk, be safe, yours, billy dixon

  2. Hi,
    Prepper here in the SFV, feel free to message me.

  3. Hello I was just wondering if you are still looking for like minded people for prepper group ??

  4. Also live in OC. Email me at [email protected]

    Looming for a group..