Aug 292023
Kentucky Prepper Network LLC: Strengthening Community Resilience through Preparedness
In the heart of the Bluegrass State, the Kentucky Prepper Network LLC (KPN) stands as a beacon of preparedness and community support. Embracing the belief that strength lies in unity, KPN has built a robust network of like-minded individuals who are committed to facing challenges head-on and safeguarding their families and communities in the face of adversity.
1. Building a Network:
At the core of KPN’s philosophy is community building. The network connects preppers, homesteaders, and preparedness enthusiasts across Kentucky, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and support. By exchanging knowledge, skills, and resources, KPN members form a powerful alliance that extends well beyond individual capabilities.
2. Free Classes on Prepping and Homesteading:
KPN goes above and beyond by offering free classes on various prepping and homesteading topics. From sustainable gardening and food preservation to first aid and emergency preparedness, these classes empower members with essential skills and knowledge, making preparedness accessible to all.
3. Prepper Consultations:
Recognizing that preparedness needs vary from person to person, KPN provides personalized prepper consultations. Trained experts work closely with individuals and families to develop customized emergency plans, ensuring that everyone’s unique needs are addressed.
4. Training Weekends and Camps:
For those seeking hands-on experiences, KPN organizes training weekends and camps. Participants learn essential survival skills, practice emergency scenarios, and build confidence in their ability to handle various situations.
5. Firearm Safety and Training:
As responsible preppers, KPN places a strong emphasis on firearm safety and training. The network offers comprehensive courses on firearm handling, safety protocols, and marksmanship, ensuring that members are well-prepared and responsible gun owners.
6. Mutual Aid:
KPN embodies the spirit of mutual aid, where members support each other during challenging times. Whether it’s sharing resources, offering assistance during emergencies, or providing emotional support, the KPN community stands united in their commitment to helping one another.
7. Bug Out Bags and Prepper Gear:
To complement their preparedness efforts, KPN offers high-quality bug out bags and prepper-related items for sale. These carefully curated supplies ensure that members have access to essential tools and equipment when they need them the most.
As the Kentucky Prepper Network LLC continues to grow, its impact on community resilience and preparedness in the Bluegrass State becomes increasingly evident. By building a supportive network, offering free classes and personalized consultations, hosting training weekends, emphasizing firearm safety, and fostering mutual aid, KPN stands as a testament to the power of collective preparedness. With their commitment to empowering individuals and families, KPN paves the way for a safer and more resilient Kentucky.
 Posted by at 11:07 pm  Tagged with:
Aug 102023

Southwestern Oregon Preppers (SWOP) will be holding its monthly meeting at Noon, Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 87616 18th Street SE, Bandon, OR 97411. Bring a chair.

The main topic is “SHOW AND TELL”. SWOP members will be sharing various skills, tips and techniques.

SWOP meetings always start with a question and answer period before the main topic so all in attendance get a chance to participate.

This is a free public meeting to get to know fellow local preppers in southwestern Oregon counties and to exchange information and ideas. It is important for individuals to understand that they will be “on their own” in the event of a disaster and not depend on receiving outside help.

Join Southwestern Oregon Preppers on Facebook and/or

Aug 042023

I am very well rounded. I rent where I currently work in the sf bay area.

Locally I have

Just started rabbits

Just started a garden


Coms, Wilson danglers, dry goods, digital library, rabbits, Oneida Victor wire dohikies.

I have undeveloped land in northern Nevada.

I need people I can count on. Who are the type that regularly chip away at there problems.

I don’t need gear junkies or people who only talk.