
Jul 122023

Currently networking with folks who:

a) want preparedness to be a core part of their lifestyle (even if just starting out),

b) may not fit the stereotypical “prepper” molds, and want to find people of shared interests/values,

c) would like to build a tribe not just for emergencies but also for friendship and fellowship,

d) are sheepdogs at heart, meaning they have a heart of service to provide support/value to others, and

e) stay organized and intentional enough to make it happen.

Yeah, that’s a lot.

I already have a group going, but I’d like to expand my network. I’ve noticed in the preparedness community that there are a lot of us around who are interested in networking, but who may not fit the old-world-conservative, ultra-religious mindsets of many preppers who exclude people based on race, sexuality, religion or lack thereof. On the other side, the leftist, woke mindsets of many communes and homesteaders also exclude us if we support 2A, live as more traditionally masculine men or feminine women, vote Trump, or disagree with drag story hours for kids.

Is it possible that we can build a tribe of people who are rational, compassionate folks who just want to avoid being caught without a shotgun and extra food during the zombie apocalypse? Is it realistic to believe that we could build an organized group of family and friends who can come together for a good ol’ Sunday brunch but also bug-out to our homestead retreat after a coronal mass ejection? Is it reasonable to think that there are thoughtful, organized people out there who will take ownership for their own preparedness and survival and put in the work to build a group, but who will also have a heck of a lot of fun as we get ready for a supervolcano to erupt?

To be clear, we are: inviting of all racial/ethnic backgrounds; LGBT-welcoming; open to singles and to folks in traditional or non-traditional family structures; and friendly to people of all ages. Politically, we range from center-right to center-left, libertarians to classic liberals, and moderates. Spiritually, we each have some sort of spiritual life or sense of meaning, and a mission to something greater than ourselves, while being neither restrictively fundamentalist nor irrationally new age. Also: must like dogs.

Most importantly, we all share a sense of service and compassion, and we want to support our ability to help others by first helping ourselves and making sure we are prepared for any emergencies we may face as individuals and together as a tribe.

Shoot me a message (send a new message to Phoenix23 here on PrepperGroups by going to if you’d like to chat and hear more, so that you can do some vetting and so we can too, and I’m looking forward to hearing from y’all.