Nov 182023

I’m new here and I’m looking for local Preppers in Orange County to learn things, trade info Etc and I need to do some (MORE) prep. I’m looking for a group or groups or somebody very experienced to get a little help so I can finish the things I’m doing prepping currently.

( I’m in South Orange County )

Kind regards ?

Nov 142023

A new group is forming in Northeastern Oregon. An area that is rather invisible to the rest of the prepper community.

Group is named North Eastern OregonPreppers.  Their website has not gone active but will soon.

Looking for members in the area as well as affiliation with existing groups.  You know stronger nets have more ties.

Nov 112023

We are a married couple of 46 years in our late 60’s. We started prepping in 1984. Well provisioned, husband is retired Army, wife served 2 years. We have experience raising pigs, chickens and dogs. Some gardening abilities with room for improvement. Some basic medical skills. Husband has basic construction skills and RV repair skills in addition to other skills. Wife does the animal raising.

Our current group is in a state of denial for the current events in the world and America, so we are looking to join a DEDICATED group who’s membership is aware of what is happening and realize we only have a few months at best. We currently live in western Colorado, but are very willing to relocate to a better location.

Nov 092023

I organize a group of men in NE Oklahoma who routinely train small unit tactics, marksmanship, radios, medical, and preparedness in general.

We are currently in search of anyone who would be willing to train and organize with us, especially those who are not so much “trigger pullers,” but specialize in areas such as gardening, raising livestock, food preservation, communications, higher-level medical skills, etc. We want to expand our network of likeminded individuals in the area to the greatest extent possible.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re in the area and interested.



Nov 082023

Republican government, moral people to be around, kids, gardens, chickens, self reliant living . Montana.

I think we will have major changes by march that will be a real problem for families that are not already where they need to be.

We all have something to contribute as well as different skills and abilities. Say hello at [email protected]   Montana is a good place with low population density, easy homeschooling, decent values and low restrictions on firearms.

Looking for others either already here or wanting to get out of the woke cities. We have some resources to make things happen right now ….

Do your own reasearch on the millions of illegal aliens coming in across the southern USA border. Almost all males of military age. If you are in or close to the 14 major cites they are being bused and flown to…… is time to relocate.

Ready for a cyber attack any day now?  It is getting real people.


 Posted by at 6:54 pm
Nov 082023

Southwestern Oregon Preppers (SWOP) will be holding its monthly meeting at Noon, Saturday, November 18, 2023, at the Port Orford Public Library, 1421 Oregon St., Port Orford OR 97465.

The main topic is “Threat Awareness”. Society as we knew it is no longer. Crime is rampant. We will discuss what to look for and how to prepare yourself so you don’t become a statistic.

SWOP meetings always start with a question and answer period before the main topic so all in attendance get a chance to participate.

This is a free public meeting to get to know fellow local preppers in southwestern Oregon counties and to exchange information and ideas. It is important for individuals to understand that they will be “on their own” in the event of a disaster and not depend on receiving outside help. Join Southwestern Oregon Preppers on Facebook and/or

Nov 082023

Really Simple,

Connect with fellow minded prepper’s, who would like to exchange ideas, skills, learn, discuss, and who are sane. We can meet in a public place, coffee shop, etc. As a hard and fast rule, for me, those who hate America, want to just shoot stuff, take and not give, liar, cheat or steal, DO NOT EVEN RESPOND. Stay clear. Learning about prepping, which is mainstream today, is NOT about starting a Militia, if you want that, join the Army. Why prep? Well besides our government suggesting it, as it will protect our nation in the long run, it is just really smart to do it. Every single person is a prepper. Don’t believe it? Then cancel all your life insurance policies, savings accounts, and just keep one day’s worth of food in your cupboards.

Nov 032023

I’m a stable, educated white collar professional who doesn’t feel safe the way the World is going so I’m looking to form a Non-Political Prepping Survival Group Not Cult with other College Educated professionals (Nurses, Police, Military would be welcome) to be able to Prep and Bug Out With Only if the SHTF.

Ask yourself this, if an event happened which made the LA Riots look like a Kumbaya Earth Day Festival and you couldn’t leave your residence and had no access to outside food & water for 1-3 months, would you survive? Even if you had these resources at home how would you prevent the Hungry & Thirsty from Invading Your Home and taking what they want leaving you to starve? That’s why I want to form Prepping/Survival Group in  Los Angeles (I’m in Chatsworth near Northridge in the Valley), so we would have a way to survive such an event by planning for it in advance & having resources & a system in place to go to should it happen.

Hopefully things will never happen & we can all continue to live our lives in comfort but at least we have a form of insurance, ourselves, in case the SHTF.

Every person would have to contribute something to the group. For instance I can contribute #10 Canned freeze dried good tasting Food that lasts 25 years plus Dried Food like Pasta, etc) that lasts 2-3 years, an Ecoflow Max 2000 Electric/Solar Generator & a Good Electric Bike as well as brains, organizational skills, creativity and good instincts from someone who spent the first 18 years of his life in NYC where you grow up real fast to survive. You need to contribute something similar.

Preferably you have no children or pets but that is open for discussion. The goal is to establish a Bug Out location where if the situation warranted it if the SHTF (No services, police, etc.) we could sit things out in relative comfort and safeness in this bug out location.

Hopefully things will never come to that but if it does, you’re screwed unless you plan and implement things in advance, hence this Survival Prepping Group. Not interested in any alcoholics or cokeheads. Pot is OK as well as social drinking (I don’t drnk) as long as you are not permanently stoned or can’t be relied upon.

If interested please email me at [email protected] and tell me what you have to offer, etc. If you do the usual LA half ass reply you’re wasting your time even in replying. From there people I contact based on your initial reply and a follow-up phone call would all meet in a Public Place and see who feels comfortable with similar mindsets to pursue things further.

Everyone including myself would be vetted as I don’t want to be around people with psychopathic, sociopathic, criminal, never do well tendencies and records, etc., but only people I know I can coincide with.

If I could, I would form this group with friends and family, unfortunately none of them want to think and prepare for the worst in advance before it happens and I do. I’d rather err on the side of caution and have an insurance policy.

About Myself: I grew up in NYC where I lived till I was 18, have a BA in English from Washington University in St. Louis and an MBA from Columbia University in NY. Since then I’ve been all over the US & lived in London for 5 years where I produced some name Blues Rock bands & musicians you may have heard of as we well as holding a financial auditing job for security. I loved Producing which I still do & tolerated my secure white collar job. I don’t have kids by choice!  I live in San Fernando Valley near Northridge.