Dec 302023

Alabama Militia has been stable for several years, and is expanding our group. Most of us are in North and Central Alabama, but we have abilities to assist and grow other areas of the state. We are not just a Militia, we have Preppers, Homesteaders (PrepSteaders), and are starting a CERT Team in our group to be able to assist in emergencies and disasters. We focus on training for all of these areas of instruction. We are a family and community oriented group, and if you dont feel that you would fit in the Militia, then join as a PrepSteader or CERT. All of our information is posted on our website and feel free to contact us via our website if you have questions or are interested in learning about us. Our PrepSteader group is outstanding and has a lot of knowledge and skills to pass on.

Dec 292023

Hello, I have an off grid property in Le Flore County and I am looking to either start or join a prepping community in the area.  I am a USMC veteran and I am older.  I am looking to learn from others.  I am updating the property by constructing a shop and increasing the size of my cabin.  I have a goal of self sufficiency and do have food storage and medical supplies.  Please let me know if you are interested.  Thank you

Dec 282023

Currently a resident of NY but soon will be returning to my home in South Carolina (specifically the Pee Dee) region. Was curious to see if there was any active Preppers in SC, or even an established group of preppers. If not I’d be willing to take the time and the effort to start up a group, and network with people within the state and surrounding areas.

You can email me at:   [email protected]

Hope everyone stays safe in the wild times our world is going through now!


Dec 072023

Southwestern Oregon Preppers (SWOP) will be holding a meeting at Noon on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at the North Bend Public Library, 1800 Sherman Ave #3495, North Bend, OR 97459.

The main topic is “What We Can Count On”. Preppers usually focus on things changing and what they can’t count on. However, some things never change. We will have a round table discussion about what doesn’t change and how to use that in our preparations.

SWOP meetings always start with a question and answer period before the main topic so all in attendance get a chance to participate.

This is a free public meeting to get to know fellow local preppers in southwestern Oregon counties and to exchange information and ideas. It is important for individuals to understand that they will be “on their own” in the event of a disaster and not depend on receiving outside help. Join Southwestern Oregon Preppers on Facebook and/or

Dec 052023

I am seeking another single or couple to share resources at my home in Upstate NY for growing and preserving  food, building community, energy efficiency and sustainable living. I have a quonset hut for additional living quarters available or space for a tiny house or yurt.