Jun 222023


My name is Jake. I’m from and live in Chicago. I’m looking for preppers that live in Chicago and the suburbs around it. Right now the possibility of nuclear war is too risky not to prepare for the worst. We can work together to be a group that’s connection of preppers that can work together and make each other stronger.

my email is [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me. Let’s work together and become successful together.

May 272023

Group of 3, with over  60 years Military/Law Enforcement experience. Advanced weapons training, first aid, surveillance, land navigation and homesteading to name a few of our skills. We have the ability to travel with short notice. You never know when you might have the need to move from Point A  to a secure location that has been properly prepared. Do you have a plan that goes something like this. During a SHTF situation you will move to a secondary location or you will lock down at your current location, grow a garden and everything will be fine-wrong. If the location has not been prepared properly and you do not have 24/7 security you will probably fail, especially going it alone. Take it one step further, I will find some like minded individuals and we can work together and everything will be fine,  a better idea, but probably will still fail also due to lack of cohesion. It takes more than meeting once a month talking about “what if” scenarios. Have you ever been in the thick of it and all you had was the person to left and right and is that person willing to put it on the line for a bigger goal.  Lets have a chat and see if we believe in the same things and  see what we could do to help each other. We are looking for a new location to call home. If you have read the book Patriots by John Wesley Rawles this will make sense.  The last thing over this long weekend take a time out and think about all the brave mean men and woman who have given the ultimate sacrifice for both you and I to live free.

May 172023

If you are looking for a place to live with like-minded people . . .

If you have a can-do attitude combined with skills in plumbing, electrical, machinery, roofing, construction – or even administration . . .

If you love mountains, national forests, pure water and animals . . .

If you still believe God & Jesus are important in today’s society . . .

If you are ready to trade your skills for a place to stay (RV’s work well here!) . . .

We would love to hear from you!  Just email us at [email protected] and let’s chat!

May 092023

I’d like to throw this question out into the ether, Where’s the community in San Marcos Tx? I ask because I’d honestly like to be a part of something that is not aligned with the way things are currently. As I see it, a young dumb 24 year old, this country is at its weakest in terms of faith, community, finances, personal rights, trust, ect. Other counties are gearing up for America’s debt default. Meanwhile society is ever dependent on technology that is not sustainable, independent of control or manipulation. I want to get away from it all. If you don’t see the current administration as eroding our rights, I will not stand for you. However If you’re like me and you see the strengthening of cartels and crime lords across the world, and even countries flip flopping on gun laws that were once anti gun, so that their people can protect themselves where the government has failed, you may see a need for change. I love America but I do think many people that fought for freedom are rolling in their graves today. I know freedom isn’t free, it never was. I know that if I don’t ask for help I’ll be on my own like many of us. I’d like to be a part of a group and contribute the skills I have as a man, along with my resources. If interested in another number and live in the area(outskirts San Marcos/Wimberley), I currently reside here, and would love to be a part of something bigger. I’m new to the site and plan to make waves once I get my footing. Thanks for the read, I’m going to continue on to some other groups now.

 Posted by at 8:59 pm
Apr 292023

Hello all Preppers! I am starting a new group in SW Virginia (New River Valley area) and are inviting anyone who wants to join. We plan on organizing many local events as well as yearly regional ones. Contact me for more information.

Apr 192023

Hello all. Looking for others in Colorado (mainly western slope) who would be interested in joining in a group who meet on line by video twice a month. We discuss all sorts of prepping topics and current events that effect us. From time to time we meet face to face to share a meal at a restaurant.

Apr 172023

Looking to find prepper groups in the Western suburbs of Chicago (Lisle, Naperville, Downers Grove, Aurora, Etc).

Would like to meet other like minded people to network with.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

 Posted by at 12:38 pm
Apr 142023

The 10th Annual Michigan Preparedness Picnic  with our friends at the Genesee Preparedness Group, Great Lakes Self Reliance and 2 Preppernet groups…will be Sunday, August 20th (rain or shine).

Back by popular demand, we will repeat the plant walk again from last year where we identified 50+ edible and medicinal plants, just in nature along the river at the park.

More details & location here:


Apr 062023

Does anyone know of any group in the Inland Empire Area in California that holds meet and greet? Things are getting nasty and it’s time to join survival groups, not everyone I know believes like I do, so ur basically on your own.

The clock is almost at midnight….

Time To Survive..

Apr 012023

The April meeting will be held on April 22, 2023, at 11 am. This meeting will be held at a private residence. There will be an overview of HAM radios and procedures as well as programming your radio.

If you are interested in attending, please email me at [email protected] for additional information and the location.

Thanks and see you there.

Mar 312023

Single mama w 5 yr old, Seeking like minded ,also poss share your space soon or later, I’ve own prep supplies, car, no pets ,strong diy mama here ?pain relief specialist ?amazing healing meds?know website things/ into plants frequencies musician singer w instruments creative bus. supplies equipment ? organizer/ motivated/ alone af rn at the least finding friends ?were about to lose our 1st/4th Amendments and then some God help us?????

Mar 042023

I’m new here.
I’m from Montana.
The way things are going we need to get this done fast.
looking for like minded preppers in ,near, around Lubbock.
Presently working on Faraday cages.for litterally everything.

Feb 202023

Montana, low population and lots of space. room for some more good people.

Right now are you thinking of a better place to be than where you are right now? Do you have lot’s of money or are you thinking of a tiny house or RV? We have a RV and a studio apartment available. Got the money and want to get into a acreage? We know people and places.

If things go badly we have a defendable 5 bedroom house with wood heat.

We are set up to support someone who adds their presence and willingness to help out. The nearby 35K population town has many varied job opportunities and education opportunities. From a private catholic university to several state university programs.

Or….if you are in what you consider commuting distance and want to set up a place for your gear and your survival in the worst case situation we can talk about that also.. see the first patriots book by james wesly rawls.

Small garden, 13 industrious chickens that are laying in the middle of winter fed only organics and lots of grasshoppers in the summer. Two freeze driers preserving anything and everything.

We have not taken the covid shot and prefer not to be living in close contact with those that have.

Comment here or email from other emails to my email [email protected]

 Posted by at 11:54 am
Feb 082023

I’m not new to the idea of prepping at all, but I guess I never really expected to need to act on anything in my lifetime. With the current geopolitical climate, I’m afraid I may have waited too long. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to ask what yall think are the absolute essentials? I know to store food and water and medical supplies. A battery operated or hand crank radio. Other than that, what do yall think I should be getting together? I don’t have much money, but I can make it work. Also, are there any other preppers in the middle Tennessee area who might be interested in teaching me and maybe forming a group? I know how to grow some things and I have medical skills.

Feb 072023

Hi There! Im in Chicago Loop and yep, if SHTF ever goes down, Im gonna have a bit of a hard time to say the leaselol.  But that’s why we’re here, to be proactive. Looking to talk and connect with like minded people. If for nothing else, I am a good person to gather intel from what’s happening in the heart of the city. I’ve been preparing for 7 years and have some skills and knowledge.  Keep the racist & radical to yourself please.  I am looking for no agenda except surviving and thriving. Be well!

Jan 182023

Warning: This post is more than 18months old. Information contained in this post may no longer be current.

Hi all,

Im a 35 yo girl from California and have wanted to leave California for a long time. Didn’t really know there was a resource like this for preppers. I’m not the most tech savvy, but I have off grid living experience, landscaping and gardening skills to offer. Always willing to work and learn new skills. Wanted to be a prepper since I was about 18, but life kinda of took a different turn. Really seems like the clock is ticking now, so let me know if anyone has any interest in someone like minded who values freedom as much as survival joining their group. Thanks.

[email protected]